Emma de Araujo
Ph.D student
Paris Cité University
Pôle Emploi (Job center)
After graduating with a degree in educational sciences and a master's degree in sociology and in fundamental and applied cognitive psychology from the University of Paris, Emma joined the Lapsydé as part of a research internship to develop and evaluate a video game that objectively measures socio-emotional skills. She continues this research project as a CIFRE thesis under the supervision of Olivier Houdé (research director at LaPsyDÉ) and Miguel Mogollon (director of the Pôle Emploi incubator).
Crimon, C., Barbir, M., Hagihara, H., de Araujo, E., Nozawa, S., Shinya, Y., Abboub, N., & Tsuji, S. (2022). Mask Wearing in Japanese and French Nursery Schools: The Perceived Impact of Masks on Communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.874264 | More |
Altay, S., de Araujo, E., & Mercier, H. (2022). “If this account is true, it is most enormously wonderful”: Interestingness-if-true and the sharing of true and false news. Digital Journalism, 10(3), 373-394. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.1941163 | More |
De Araujo, E., Altay, S., Bor, A., & Mercier, H. (2021). Dominant jerks: People infer dominance from the utterance of challenging and offensive statements. Social Psychological Bulletin, 16(4), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.32872/spb.6999 | More |
Hacquin, A. S., Altay, S., de Araujo, E., Chevallier, C., & Mercier, H. (2020). Sharp rise in vaccine hesitancy in a large and representative sample of the French population: reasons for vaccine hesitancy. Psyarxiv. | More |