Felipe Pegado
Ph.D, MD
Associate professor
Paris Cité University
Felipe Pegado is an associate professor in developmental psychology and cognitive neurosciences at the Université Paris Cité. He holds a medical degree and a double specialization in adult and child/adolescent psychiatry, acquired respectively in Rio de Janeiro and Paris. He obtained his PhD in cognitive neuroscience studying the cognitive and brain changes related to literacy acquisition under the supervision of Stanislas Dehaene. Felipe was then trained in advanced brain imaging techniques such as MVPA (multivoxel pattern analysis) by Hans Op de Beeck in Belgium. After that, he returned to France to study parallel word processing in skilled readers, under the supervision of Jonathan Grainger. He then continued his research at AMPIRIC (a center of excellence on research in education and teacher training in Aix-Marseille University), studying multimodal learning strategies for literacy acquisition, before joining the LaPsyDÉ.
Felipe employs a variety of methods such as Electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioral measures. He is also attempting to bridge the gap between cognitive neuroscience research and real-life learning at school, using randomized controlled trials.
Cavalli, E., Chanoine, V., Tan, Y., Anton, J.L., Giordano, B.L., Pegado, F. & Ziegler, J.C. (2024). Atypical Hemispheric Re-Organization of the Reading Network in High-Functioning Adults with Dyslexia: Evidence from Representational Similarity Analysis. Imaging Neuroscience, Advance Publication. https://doi.org/10.1162/imag_a_00070 | More |
Mirault, J., Vandendaele, A., Pegado, F., & Grainger, J. (2023). The impact of atypical text presentation on transposed-word effects. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-023-02760-y | |
Pegado, F. (2022). Written Language Acquisition Is Both Shaped by and Has an Impact on Brain Functioning and Cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 819956. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.819956 | More |
Mirault, J., Vandendaele, A., Pegado, F., & Grainger, J. (2022). Transposed-word effects when reading serially. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277116. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277116 | More |
Pegado, F., Wen, Y., Mirault, J., Dufau, S., Grainger, J. (2021). An ERP investigation of transposed-word effects in same-different matching. Neuropsychologia, 153, 107753. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.107753 | More |
Pegado, F., Grainger, J., (2021). On the noisy spatiotopic encoding of word positions during reading: Evidence from the change detection task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, 189‑196 https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-020-01819-3 | More |
Torres, A. R. R., Mota, N. B., Adamy, N., Naschold, A., Lima, T., Copelli, M., Weissheimer, J., Pegado*, F., & Ribeiro*, S. (2021). Selective inhibition of mirror invariance for letters consolidated by sleep doubles reading fluency. Current Biology, 31(4), 742-752.e8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.11.031 | More |
Pegado, F., Torres, A. R. R., Weissheimer, J., & Ribeiro, S. (2021). A protocol to examine the learning effects of ‘multisystem mapping’ training combined with post-training sleep consolidation in beginning readers. STAR protocols, 2(3), 100712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100712 | More |
Pegado, F., & Grainger, J. (2020). A transposed-word effect in same-different judgments to sequences of words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 46(7), 1364‑1371. https://doi.org/10.1037/xlm0000776 | More |
Pegado, F., Hendriks, M.H.A., Amelynck, S., A., Daniels, N., Steyaert, J., Boets, B., & Op de Beeck, H. (2020). Adults with high functioning autism display idiosyncratic behavioral patterns, neural representations and connectivity of the ‘Voice Area’ while judging the appropriateness of emotional vocal reactions. Cortex, 125, 90‑108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2019.11.008 | More |
Pegado, F., & Grainger, J. (2019). Dissociating lexical and sublexical contributions to transposed-word effects. Acta Psychologica, 201, 102943. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.102943 | More |
Pegado, F., Hendriks, M.H.A., Amelynck, S., Daniels, N., Bulthé, J., Lee Masson, H., Boets, B., Op de Beeck, H. (2018). Neural Representations Behind ‘Social Norm’ Inferences in Humans. Scientific Reports, 8, 12943. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-31260-5 | More |
Pegado, F., Hendriks, M. H. A., Amelynck, S., Daniels, N., Bulthé, J., Lee Masson, H., Boets, B., & Op de Beeck, H. (2018). A Multitude of Neural Representations Behind Multisensory “Social Norm” Processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 153. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2018.00153 | More |
Hendriks, M.H.A., Daniels, N., Pegado, F., & Op de Beeck, H.P. (2017). The Effect of Spatial Smoothing on Representational Similarity in a Simple Motor Paradigm. Frontiers in Neurology, 8, 222. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2017.00222 | More |
Pegado, F., Vankrunkelsven, H., Steyaert, J., Boets, B., Op de Beeck, H. (2016) Exploring the Use of Sensorial LTP/LTD-Like Stimulation to Modulate Human Performance for Complex Visual Stimuli. PloS One, 11(6), e0158312. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0158312 | More |
Van den Hurk, J., Pegado, F., Martens, F., Op de Beeck, H. (2015) The Search for the Face of the Visual Homunculus. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(11), 638‑641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2015.09.007 | |
Pegado, F., Comerlato, E., Ventura, F., Jobert, A., Nakamura, K., Buiatti, M., Ventura, P., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kolinsky, R., Morais, J., Braga, LW., Cohen, L., Dehaene, S. (2014) Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(49), E5233-5242. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1417347111 | More |
Pegado, F., Nakamura, K., Braga, LW., Ventura, P., Filho, GN., Pallier, C., Jobert, A., Morais, J., Cohen, L., Kolinsky, R., Dehaene, S. (2014) Literacy Breaks Mirror Invariance for Visual Stimuli: A Behavioral Study With Adult Illiterates. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General, 143(2), 887‑894. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0033198 | More |
Pegado, F., Nakamura, K., Hannagan, T. (2014) How does literacy break mirror invariance in the visual system? Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 703. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00703 | More |
Nakamura, K., Kuo, W-J., Pegado, F., Cohen, L., Tzeng, OJL., Dehaene, S. (2012) Universal brain systems for recognizing word shapes and handwriting gestures during reading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(50), 20762‑20767. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1217749109 | More |
Pegado, F., Nakamura, K., Cohen, L., Dehaene, S. (2011) Breaking the symmetry: Mirror discrimination for single letters but not for pictures in the Visual Word Form Area. NeuroImage, 55(2), 742‑749. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.11.043 | More |
Pegado, F., Bekinschtein, T., Chausson, N., Dehaene, S., Cohen, L., Naccache, L. (2010) Probing the lifetimes of auditory novelty detection processes. Neuropsychologia, 48(10), 3145‑3154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.06.030 | More |
Dehaene, S., Pegado, F., Braga, LW., Ventura, P., Nunes Filho, G., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kolinsky, R., Morais, J., Cohen, L. (2010) How learning to read changes the cortical networks for vision and language. Science, 330(6009), 1359‑1364. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1194140 | More |
Chausson, N., Wassouf, A., Pegado, F., Willer, J-C., Naccache, L. (2008) Electrophysiology: mismatch negativity and prognosis of coma. Revue Neurologique, 164 Spec No 1, F34-35. |