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Lys-Andréa Brunet


Ph.D student

Paris Cité University & Association Union School Together

After obtaining a Master's degree in Educational and Developmental Psychology (Université Paris Cité) in 2022, Lys-Andréa joined the LaPsyDÉ in order to be a PhD under the supervision of Pr. Olivier Houdé and co-supervised by Barbara de Baudry d'Asson, president of the association Union School Together.
During her Master's degree, she did her research work as well as an internship at LaPsyDÉ under the supervision of Pr. Grégoire Borst on the impact of cognitive, metacognitive and socio-emotional functions on the reduction of educational inequalities that affect academic achievement.
Her thesis project aims at developing and evaluating an extracurricular learning program focused on the development of skills involved in all learning (attention, concentration, memorization, cognitive control, metacognition) and socio-emotional skills (empathy, communication, altruism, emotional regulation) to improve academic achievement in preschool and school-age children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Maximino-Pinheiro, M., Menu, I., Boissin, E., Brunet, L.A., Barone, C., & Borst, G. (2024).  Metacognition as a mediator of the relation between family SES and language and mathematical abilities in preschoolers. Scientific Reports, 14, 10392.


Maximino-Pinheiro, M., Brunet, L.-A., & Borst, G. (2024). Bridging  the gap between researchers and policy-makers: A teacher training  experiment aiming to improve children’s metacognition and reduce  educational inequalities. In Insights from the science of learning for education: Leveraging scientific knowledge for innovations in teaching and learning (pp. 44–55). UNESCO.

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