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Marina Tual


Associate professor

Sorbonne University-Inspe Paris

Marina is an associate professor at the Inspe of Paris, component of Sorbonne University. She previously worked for many years as teacher of students with learning disabilities. She then completed her PhD under the supervision of Maryse Bianco and Pascal Bressoux at University Grenoble Alpes, in collaboration with Marc Gurgand of the Paris School of Economics. Marina was then a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Picardie Jules Verne, where she worked with Mathieu Hainselin to link research and practice in the framework of the Cités Educatives.
Her current research focuses on the development of remediation program and the implementation of evidence-based practices in schools.


Lima, L, & Tual, M. (2022). De l’étude randomisée à la classe : est-il suffisant d’avoir des données probantes sur l’efficacité d’un dispositif éducatif pour qu’il produise des effets positifs en classe ? Education et didactique, 16(1), 153-162.


Tual, M., Lima, L., & Bianco, M. (2022). Le difficile passage de la recherche au terrain : Pourquoi et comment évaluer l’implémentation de pratiques pédagogiques fondées sur les données probantes. Évaluer. Journal international de recherche en éducation et formation, 7(1), 19-40. 

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