Doriane Gras
Ingénieure d'études
Doriane est ingénieure d’études en production et analyse de données au CNRS depuis 2015, d’abord affectée au Laboratoire de linguistique formelle avant de rejoindre le LaPsyDÉ en 2023.
Doriane a effectué une thèse de psychologie expérimentale sur les faux souvenirs intitulée « la mémoire des inférences prédictives » soutenue en 2009 à l’Université Paris Descartes sous la direction de Serge Nicolas.
Mertz, J., Annucci, C., Aristodemo, V., Giustolisi, B., Gras, D., Turco, G., Geraci, C., & Donati, C. (2022). Measuring sign complexity: Comparing a model-driven and an error-driven approach. Laboratory Phonology, 24(1). | More |
Hauser, C., Zorzi, G., Aristodemo, V., Giustolisi, B., Gras, D., Sala, R., Amat, J., Cecchetto, C., & Donati, C. (2021). Asymmetries in relative clause comprehension in three European sign languages. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 72. | More |
Nys, M., Gras, D., & Gyselinck, V. (2021). Points de repère et actions dans les descriptions verbales d’itinéraires : une étude développementale. Enfance, N° 5(1), 51–67. | |
Latimier, A., Kovarski, K., Peyre, H., Fernandez, L. G., Gras, D., Leboyer, M., & Zalla, T. (2019). Trustworthiness and dominance personality traits' judgments in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 4535-4546. | |
Zalla, T., Seassau, M., Cazalis, F., Gras, D., & Leboyer, M. (2018). Saccadic eye movements in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 22(2), 195–204. | |
Iakovleva, T., & Gras, D. (2018). The Expression of Upward Motion by Russian Speakers Acquiring French or English as a Foreign Language. The Modern Language Journal, 102(2), 416–430. | |
Laidi, C., Boisgontier, J., Chakravarty, M. M., Hotier, S., d’Albis, M., Mangin, JF., Devenyi, G. A., Delorme, R., Bolognani, F., Czech, C., Bouquet, C., Toledano, E., Bouvard, M., Gras, D., Petit, J., Mishchenko, M., Gaman, A., Scheid, I., Leboyer, M., . . . Houenou, J. (2017). Cerebellar anatomical alterations and attention to eyes in autism. Scientific Reports, 7, 12008. | More |
Hotier, S., Leroy, F., Boisgontier, J., Laidi, C., Mangin, J., Delorme, R., Bolognani, F., Czech, C., Bouquet, C., Toledano, E., Bouvard, M., Petit, J., Mishchenko, M., D’Albis, M., Gras, D., Gaman, A., Scheid, I., Leboyer, M., Zalla, T., & Houenou, J. (2017). Social cognition in autism is associated with the neurodevelopment of the posterior superior temporal sulcus. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 136(5), 517–525. | |
Gyselinck, V., Grison, E., & Gras, D. (2015). Apprentissage d’itinéraires virtuels: Quel codage verbal en mémoire de travail? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1), 104–114. | |
Denis, M., Mores, C., Gras, D., Gyselinck, V., & Daniel, M. (2014). Is Memory for Routes Enhanced by an Environment’s Richness in Visual Landmarks? Spatial Cognition and Computation, 14(4), 284–305. | |
Gras, D., Gyselinck, V., Perrussel, M., Orriols, E., & Piolino, P. (2013). The role of working memory components and visuospatial abilities in route learning within a virtual environment. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25(1), 38–50. | |
Guida, A., Gras, D., Noël, Y., Bohec, O. L., Quaireau, C., & Nicolas, S. (2013). The effect of long-term working memory through personalization applied to free recall: Uncurbing the primacy-effect enthusiasm. Memory & Cognition, 41(4), 571–587. | More |
Gras, D., Daniel, M., Labiale, G., Piolino, P., & Gyselinck, V. (2012). Effect of aging on real route memorization: the role of working memory and episodic memory. Psychologie & Neuropsychiatrie Du Vieillissement. | |
Gras, D., Tardieu, H., & Nicolas, S. (2012). Predictive Inference Activation. Swiss Journal of Psychology. | |
Gras, D., Tardieu, H., Piolino, P., & Nicolas, S. (2011). Presentation modality effect on false memories in younger and older adults: The use of an inference paradigm. Memory. | |
Gras, D., Tardieu, H., & Nicolas, S. (2008). Faux souvenirs et vieillissement : les effets de l’âge sur les inférences prédictives. Psychologie & Neuropsychiatrie Du Vieillissement, 6(4), 299–307. |